Improper Sleep and Eating Schedule: The Aftermaths of Computer Gaming Addiction

A small number of people suffer from what’s known as ‘computer gaming addiction,’ a psychological disorder that can often be hard to diagnose. It can be triggered by several psychological issues, including depression, stress, and obsessive-compulsive disorder. Over time, the addiction can lead to poor sleep, which, in turn, leads to overeating. Because of this, gaming addiction can put people at risk for developing diabetes and obesity and make weight loss more difficult.

Excessive computer gaming can cause many troubles in our lives. Such a kind of addiction can be a serious disorder that can even lead to serious consequences. Usually, people turn to games as a release from stressful conditions and as a method of entertainment. However, the vicious circle starts when gaming becomes the main activity of our lives. In this article, we will talk about gaming addiction and its consequences.

The culmination of gaming addiction can be devastating. Imagine waking up every day, looking forward to going to bed at night, only to wake up the following day, regretting everything you had done while you were awake. You are sick, tired, and feel like you will never recover. Your body is as weak as a kitten, and you feel trapped in your addiction.

It is safe to say that gambling is one of the most popular hobbies. Video games are another way for people to have fun and unwind, but some gamers are quickly getting their fix from too much “video gaming addiction.” The symptoms of this condition vary widely. For some people, the problem becomes so severe that they can no longer function normally and need to be hospitalized. For others, it’s an occasional problem that is minimal.

Sleep deprivation and improper eating schedule are two major consequences of computer gaming addiction. Who knew that playing video games could cause so much trouble? Most people follow a strict schedule and go to bed and wake up at the same time every day. But some throw off their schedule by playing video games, meaning that they do not have a specific time to sleep or eat. This can eventually lead to obesity and insomnia (which, by the way, be cured to some extent by consuming the High Octane Strain– learn more here).

  • Obesity – One of the worst things to do to your body is to deprive yourself of food and drink while playing video games, since grabbing a midnight snack or sipping on an energy drink while gaming is an immediate road to weight gain. Your diet will slowly adjust as your body adapts to this new lifestyle, eventually becoming imbalanced.
  • Headache – Experiencing headaches from prolonged computer gaming is a common issue among gamers. Physical strain, poor posture, stress, and exposure to bright screen lights can contribute to this discomfort. To alleviate gaming-induced headaches, you can take breaks, incorporate regular eye exercises, and adjust your posture. Additionally, getting a head and shoulder massage can also prove beneficial in reducing tension in the adjoining muscles, thus providing relief from the headache. You can conveniently find nearby massage options by searching online with phrases like “massage near me” to schedule an appointment.
  • Poor eating habits – Computer gaming addiction is more than just being addicted to video games. It’s an addiction that leads to transgressions against eating schedules, consumption of junk food, or skipping meals or sleep. When compulsive gamers play, they lose track of time, neglect other activities, lose productivity and ignore health requirements.
  • Lack of sleep – Computer gaming addiction is another form of addiction. This addiction is caused by excessive attachment to electronic devices. The excessive use of video games leads to sleep disorder, more commonly known as insomnia. Insomnia is the inability to sleep. This disorder can affect both adults and children. Lack of sleep can lead to reduced attention in school, irritability, anxiety, depression, and obesity. A lot of working professionals and professional gamers also tend to suffer from insomnia. Due to this instability of sleep cycle, most doctors choose to prescribe CBD products by properly calculating CBD dosages. CBD can help the brain to calm down and induce sleep for people suffering from insomnia.

That said, video games were already drawing a lot of negative attention for their ability to draw us into a world of entertainment that is difficult to escape. However, recent trends have indicated that these video game addictions can have a negative impact on our daily lives. The adverse effects of excessive gaming are closely linked to problems developing in school and problems at home, such as neglect, marriage problems, and financial problems.

Sleep deprivation and gaming addiction are directly related to each other. This is because gaming addiction affects sleeping patterns. Some gamers tend to stay up late when playing video games at night. This can affect their sleeping hours. This can lead to sleep deprivation. Lack of enough sleep can affect the brain, thus affecting the perception of time. When you are addicted to gaming, you tend to view time as something you need to keep in sync with the game continually. This leads you to sleep less, which, in turn, leads to disorders in sleep. You could bring your sleep pattern back to normal by taking the help of substances such as cannabis (check them out here). They are proven to help you fall asleep faster and give you a good sleep.

Video games provide an escape from the daily grind. They allow us to walk a mile in someone else’s shoes or take on roles unlike our own. But the downside of these immersive experiences is that they easily distract us from the real-world consequences. When turned on, video games can consume us, leaving little energy for anything else.

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